What Is 5G Capable Of Doing?

The Internet has already revolutionized our everyday life. But with better 5G technology hyping up we will be able to create a completely connected lifestyle. 5G technology will be capable of transferring and receiving mass amounts of data more efficiently and quickly. It will help connect people, give rise to smart cities and connect mass numbers of devices more easily. 5G will be capable of doing what 3G and 4G couldn’t, such as, shooting 3D videos, revolutionizing IoT with efficient applications giving rise to smart homes and buildings, connecting and revolutionizing industrial machinery, help in the field of medical sciences and much more.

Newly Discovered 5G Frequency Bands

The 5G frequency bands newly discovered are 24.25-27.5 GHz, 37-43.5 GHz, 45.5-47 GHz, 47.2-48.2 and 66-71 GHz according to WRC-19. WRC-19 also took under consideration the protection of the Earth Exploration Satellite Services, consisting of meteorological and other services in adjoining bands. The conference declared frequency 17.25 GHz of the spectrum to be used for IMT, in contrast with 1.9 GHz of bandwidth present before WRC-19. However, 14.75 GHz of the spectrum has been embraced worldwide and have 85% of the global agreement. Furthermore, WRC-19  has suggested a work plan for identifying the various frequencies for new components of 5G. For example, they placed forward the ‘High Altitude IMT Base Stations (HIBS)’ plan that may be able to provide connectivity to places where it was too expensive to provide such services using the ground as the connectivity source. Imagine the impact it may create on the isolated and underdeveloped northern areas of Pakistan. It may prove to be one of the best opportunities for them to get discovered and progress. The full implementation and launch of this 5G technology is expected somewhere in 2020. And it will indeed welcome an era of progression beyond comprehension!    

Additional 5G Frequency Bands Discovered  Hello To A Faster Future  - 7