The iPhone maker stopped accepting new vaping apps in June and never allowed its platform to sell e-cigarette refills or vaporize cartridges. A total of 181 applications, including games and companion apps, have been removed from the App Store that allow users to control things like lighting and heating on vaping phones. Apps that have already been downloaded can still be used.  In response to a mysterious vaping-related lung injury that killed at least 42 people, Apple’s actions come at a time when concerns about vaping products have ramped up. There were other concerns about e-cigarettes and vaping products prior to this wave of lung injuries. These included hazards from batteries and seizures exploding and high vaping levels among adolescents.  Apple says it was specifically caused by alerts like this that it decided to remove vaping apps from the App Store. 

What Apple has To Say?

We carefully curate the App Store as a trustworthy place for customers to download apps, especially young people. To identify risks to the health and well-being of users, we are constantly evaluating apps and consulting the latest evidence. We agree and have updated our App Store Review Guidelines to reflect that it is not allowed to use apps that encourage or facilitate the use of these products. From the moment of death. Apple Said, “As of today, these Apps will no longer be a part of App store or no longer available to download.”