Usually the suing is on the behalf of developers but this time the Dutch competitor has opted a unique and new way of charging the market giant Apple with a huge sum of money on behalf of the consumers. The tax structure of the company is structured in a way that influence the profits of the developers in a venomous manner. Apple was accused to be passing the developers’ fees to the consumers in form of extra prices. These unfair policies and actions show the monopolistic practice by Apple. It is in this January when the Dutch authorities have passed an order that requires Apple to offer third party payment choices for the dating app users. The lawsuit is all ready to be filed in the Amsterdam District Court. ACM is fining €5 million for each week. For this Dutch regulators have already charged €50 million and now this new Lawsuit has heated up the situation. Apple in response to these charges is changing the dating app policy which will be reviewed by the ACM and then two parties will surely reach a consensus on the issue. Apple needs to check on its policies in EU as the Digital Markets Act is about to get finalized and anticompetitive activities will not be left without charged. Also Read: Apple to Send Out Invites for WWDC 2022 Event This Week