Apple Maps to Help User with Finding Coronavirus testing Locations

This feature has been rolled out to Apple Maps for iOS users in the United States. While other countries have not received this feature, maybe the company will introduce it to other countries one by one. We do not have any timeline that when this feature will expand to other countries as Apple hasn’t announced anything officially.   For getting this feature, you need to update Apple Maps. It will show the coronavirus testing labs with red medical dots. A banner is also placed in the app, which informs users that the testing might require a doctor’s referral and appointment at the testing lab, so one should have it before visiting the location. It is not the first initiative by Apple to help people during COVID-19, previously the company also made a website that shows the impact of COVID 19 on countries and regions. Furthermore, Apple has remained forefront for the spread of awareness of coronavirus from its platforms. Also Read: Apple Maps Gets New Update

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