Apple is bringing together the members of its team that will manage the hardware’s launch and following marketing activities. According to Apple Insider, part of this is the purported hiring of Andrea Schubert, Meta’s communications lead for AR. “Meta has been the market leader in headsets with Oculus,” Gurman continues, “so such a recruitment makes sense as Apple nears its debut.”   According to the newest rumors, the headgear would include many very sensitive 3D sensing modules in order to provide revolutionary hand tracking. Structured light sensors can recognize things in the hands in a similar way that Face ID can detect facial emotions to make Animoji. Gaming, media consumption, and communication will all be priorities for the headset. It will contain two processors, one with the same computing power as the M1 and the other to handle input from various sensors. The AR headset is supposed to have a sleek design that makes it lightweight and easy to wear for long periods of time. The Apple headgear will be comparable to the Oculus Quest, and some prototypes are being tested with external cameras to allow AR features. At least 15 camera modules, eye-tracking, and potentially iris recognition might be included. According to Bloomberg, the headset might cost more than $3,000 and have 8K displays.