Apple claims that their phones can now recognize the severity of car accidents and immediately begin calling emergency services and notifying the user’s contacts. A real-world car crash was necessary for testing purposes. The creator of the TechRax channel on YouTube did exactly that. He uploaded a video demonstrating his review of the new function. The YouTuber attached his brand new iPhone 14 Pro to the headrest of the driver’s seat of a remote-controlled 2005 Mercury Grand Marquis.

After crashing the automobile into a stack of junk cars, he set up a situation in which the phone would actually identify the accident and call the authorities. Twice the YouTuber crashes his car into a stack of junk cars, and each time the feature on his smartphone works as intended. The iPhone activated SOS mode and displayed a countdown before making contact with emergency authorities, however, the process was delayed by 10 seconds, as the YouTuber claims. When the phone’s owner is in a car accident, the feature activates instantly. If the user does not respond to the iPhone’s cancel prompt within a certain amount of time, the iPhone will contact emergency authorities. Also, the new Apple Watch Series 8 offers this capability. Read Also: Apple’s Upcoming Update will Fix iPhone 14 Pro Camera Shaking Issue