The revolutionary product is designed to financially empower all Pakistanis to take control of their finances through convenient and secure digital savings. By simply clicking ‘Subscribe’ to any of the available plans, Easypaisa App users can immediately start earning up to 9% annual profits, posted daily with no hidden restrictions. No amount of users’ funds are locked; all they have to do is maintain a higher balance than their chosen plan threshold and keep making profits. Whether an existing Easypaisa user or a new one, the savings product is available for everyone.
Commenting on the development, M. Mudassar Aqil, CEO, Easypaisa and Telenor Microfinance Bank said; With more than 10 million customers using the Easypaisa App in the last 30-days across the Android and iOS platforms, Easypaisa is the most used Pakistani App across all categories and remains committed to transforming Pakistan into a cashless and financially inclusive society through the power of collaboration & technology.