At this moment, the company has not shared any official plans for this. The company said that this technology will give creators “full control over expressing their vision.” The team at Hypersense made the Hypermeet app that puts 3D avatars on people’s faces and is able to simulate more realistic facial expressions in real-time.

Epic to Put Your 3D Facial Expressions in Fortnite

In September 2020, Hyprmeet was released in open beta, that put 3D avatars, similar to Apple’s Animoji, on people’s faces in real-time without having to use specialised equipment. Hypermeet is functional with a standard webcam. It is able to provide a broader range of expressions for the user. Epic CTO Kim Libreri says, “Bringing on the Hyprsense team enables us to […] approach the goal of giving all creators full control over expressing their vision down to the smallest nuance,” “We are proud and excited to bring our character animation technology into the Epic Games ecosystem. Joining Epic gives us the opportunity to deliver new solutions and experiences on a massive scale. We are so grateful to the Hyprsense team for their tireless work to get us here, as well as our customers, partners and supportive investors,” Jihun Yu, co-founder and CEO of Hyprsense, said in announcing the deal. For readers’ information, Hypersense was launched in 2015. Recommended Reading: Now Fortnite on PC is Over 60GB Smaller