Fake Coronavirus Cure Ads Spreading False Information

While telling about this step, Facebook spokes person said: “We recently implemented a policy to prohibit ads that refer to the coronavirus and create a sense of urgency, like implying a limited supply, or guaranteeing a cure or prevention. We also have policies for surfaces like Marketplace that prohibit similar behavior,” Facebook came in to light some months back due to the spread of misinformation due to which the company decided in January that it will limit the misinformation spread via its platform or any other harmful content. Facebook even hired third party fast checkers who were given the task of identifying misinformation about this virus. There were many false cures of this virus found on the platform which included preventions like drinking bleach or wrong information about the health resources. Facebook is also used to spread spam campaigns related to the outbreak of this virus which are said to be a detection tests however upon downloading them, people will  get malicious email attachment. Furthermore, the biggest tech show Mobile World Congress was also canceled due to the Corona Virus. Corona virus has also effected trade of many products. Also Read: How Coronavirus Affecting the Trade of These Products