You need to provide all the personal information. Other than that, you also have to provide the name of the service operator and the nature of the complaint.

Facing Internet Problem? Report it to PTA!

On Monday evening, Residents of Karachi experienced a two-hour suspension of cable television and internet services due to the protest announced by cable and internet operators against KE’s intended move to cut off cable and internet wires using its electricity poles. The protest announcement was made during a joint press conference cable operators associations and internet service providers. The Chairperson of the Press conference was Khalid Arain. “TV and internet are a source of information and entertainment for Karachi’s residents, especially during lockdowns, but that too is shut down in various areas due to KE’s high-handedness,” Arain said. He further said that “TV and internet cables do not conduct electricity, Time should be given to underground these wires.” If their demands are not met then this protest will be extended to the entire country, Khalid Arain warned KE. Recommended Reading: DIRBS Boosts Pakistan’s Economic Growth: PTA DIRBS Case Study Report