According to Techdows, fingerprints are tracking people based on the characteristics of a computer. These include screen resolution, browser, timezone, language, installed extensions and fonts, and the operating system. The data is then used to make a one of a kind profile, a fingerprint—that is utilized to follow users crosswise over sites.

Firefox to Block Fingerprints by Default

Mozilla is going to release a Firefox 72 on January 7, 2020, which privacy advocates should appreciate as it blocks fingerprints automatically on any website being visited by its Enhanced feature called Tracking Protection. Presently, Firefox 70 is blocking only several unwelcome web features by default, that include social media trackers, cross-site tracking cookies, tracking content in private windows, and Cryptominers. For those users who would prefer not to hold up until one year from now to access the feature, they can get it now through the Custom setting in Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection. This can be accessed by selecting options in the Firefox menu, clicking on Privacy and Security, setting Enhanced Tracking Protection to Custom, and ticking the Fingerprints box. Moreover, it has also been noted that to enable fingerprint blocking can cause to break some websites or bring changes to its appearance. Mozilla claimed that it will be conducting future tests in order to find ways of avoiding these type of issues. Recommended Reading: New Firefox’s Logo: More Fire, Less fox