The Epic Games has announced that the in-game live event, titled “The Device,” will now take place on June 15th. The next season, called Chapter 2 Season 3 is going to live on June 17th.

Fortnite Next Season Postponed Again

Epic said in a blog post: “We’re acutely aware of the pain our friends, families, team members, players, and communities are experiencing, We believe in equality and justice, diversity and inclusion, and that these fundamentals are above politics. The team is eager to move Fortnite forward, but we need to balance the Season 3 launch with time for the team to focus on themselves, their families, and their communities.” It is important to mention here that this is the third delay for the start of the new season. The company announced the first delay in April, while the second was announced last week. This is the second delay for The Device event, the first time the delay was announced by the company last week. Due to the protests, so many other tech and gaming events have been delayed.