Get Ufone Online Recharge with your Debit/Credit Cards
Ufone’s Online Recharge or Bill Payment is a secured payment option that allows you to recharge your Pre-paid account or make Post-paid Bill payments. You can use any Debit or Credit card (powered by Master or VISA) regardless of your card issuing bank to avail the payment option. There are no additional charges for charging your account using this facility. Please contact your card issuing bank to activate the session for online transactions.
Payment Instructions
The first page requires you to enter your name, mobile number in the specified format and amount of your recharge. You will then be redirected to the next page which requires you to enter your card account details i.e. your Card Brand, Card Number, Card Expiry date and CVV2/CVN Code (3 digit code at the back of your Card). A confirmation receipt will be displayed after your transaction is successful.
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