With one of its biggest and flagship product launches in history, Xiaomi Pakistan has set the bar way too high for its competitors. The event was one-of-a-kind in its modernistic and minimalist vibe. Unlike the usual launch events with loud colors and bright lights, Xiaomi went for a rather toned down event. With a perfect blend of dark background with the lights, they set the tone of going minimalistic by setting the tone of focusing directly and only on its products. The event was not only sleek and chic but also revolutionary in nature because none of the tech companies have executed such a launch and that too in such a sleek manner. All in all, the event was pertinent; with  the products and their specs being the focal point. In the event Xiaomi launched three product categories; Xiaomi 11 T and T Pro; Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE and a set of three eco-products. Xiaomi Pakistan has been doing its part to bring the best technology to Pakistan in the most aggressive quality and prices which is why Xiaomi is leading the tech market from the front.

Globalising minimalist tech launches  one product at a time - 22