Gmail For Android Adds a Nifty Shortcut

Some people prefer to first work on the body before adding contacts or the subject line when writing a message, “Gmail on the web has long featured a useful shortcut where typing “+” or “@” will auto-fill a person’s name in the body — where it becomes a mailto: hyperlink — and add them to the contacts field as a recipient. Coming to Android, the selectable dropdown that appears features names, addresses, and profile avatars,” according to 9to5google. When a user deletes the person’s + [s/o Google+] or @ will remove them as a recipient of the email. This nifty shortcut is also taking care of long names and adds a contactless disruptive in case the user is in the middle of a thought. The company is rolling out a recipient shortcut and is available on Gmail for Android, but currently, a few users can see this feature on their Gmail as it is not yet widely available on devices. Presently, it is only functional for all the users of the G Suite. Recommended Reading: Are you Also a Victim of Gmail and Google Drive Outage?