Google’s Augmented Reality Feature got new Animals

Last year when Google had initially begun adding animals in search, it started with just a few animals like tiger, lion, wolf and a dog. In late March, it added more creatures including alligators, ducks, and hedgehogs. Later on, it started adding prehistoric creatures via its app Cambropachycope, that lets users discover more details about these creatures. Among different species of lions and dinosaurs, now new cute animals are added including red panda, cat, giraffe, cow, zebra, pig and hippo that are ready to welcome you in your home virtually.  In order to welcome these animals n your home, all you need to have is Google’s move app. Open it and search for any animal that you like. Now tap on “View in 3D” and see the results.

— Google (@Google) December 11, 2020 I have spent a lot of my time searching for different AR animals as they look super real. No doubt, its fun feature and Google should keep on adding more such animals in times to come. Also Read: Now see Dinosaurs in Real World through Google Search Augmented Reality Feature