The complaint, as filed, references the company’s internal records, which have been strongly phrased. The Wall Street Journal analysed part of the original draft edition of the lawsuit without any editorials, which expanded on the conclusions and claims of the court transcripts. The case allegedly claims that Google and Facebook knew that their contract could result in antitrust investigations. A Google spokesman told sources that the allegations made in the case were false. “The perception that this was a private deal is false. We have been public about this relationship for years”. Google is now at the center of another anti-trust case in which 38 attorneys in general have denounced the firm’s anti-competitive conduct. The publication quoted the draft version of the lawsuit lodged in the public version by the 10 U.S. States without any revisions. The ten U.S states had recently sued Google on allegations that the search engine ran an unconstitutional internet advertisement cartel and enlisted Facebook in a supposed bargain on rig advertising auctions. According to report, the idea proposed that Facebook would win a set share of media auctions and that an internal Facebook document described the deal as comparatively cheap compared to direct competition.