Google Launches a Tiny Radar Ripple with Wide range of Applications

Basically, Ripple comes under the Consumer Technology Association (CTA). The same association also holds a CES tradeshow in Las Vegas every January. According to Ivan Poupyrev who is the team lead at Google’s ATAP skunkworks, CTA is hosting Ripple with the primary objective to “enable hardware/software interoperability and speed up the growth of applications for general-purpose consumer radar”. A few Applications of Ripple: The Ripple team explained a few potential applications of the radar. It includes non-invasive wellness monitoring, occupancy detection in buildings, human activity recognition, and touchless gesture controls. Furthermore, it could also enable driver-assist technologies inside vehicles as mentioned above. The majority of these features can be rendered with cameras and other kinds of sensors, however, the miniaturized radar provides benefits in terms of speed and accuracy. Check out? 2 Billion Chrome Users are at Risk- Google Issues Major Warning