The name of this label is Quick Read Label and identifies shot articles on its results page. This label will appear just underneath the SEO description when the search results are displayed. This would be a blessing in disguise if you have just few minutes to get the information you had asked for. The news regarding this label was revealed by SEO consultant Brodie Clark who said he has seen various labels including Quick Read label. According to him, this label will be launch for both mobile and desktop users. The icon that will differentiate the short articles will be a blue clock icon and black text, or one with capitalized text, a gray icon, and gray text. Other than this another label i.e.;  “<5 Min Read” was also spotted on desktop in gray and in blue. While there is much variety in label designs and colors, it might be possible that Google is currently testing different color and design variants and will soon come up with one. The addition of this label to identify short articles will be a great help for people and since this feature is in testing right now, it means a wider rollout is just around the corner. Let’s wait for official announcement. Also Read: Google Search Is Terribly Broken: Here’s Why?