Google to Stop Disbursing Payments via Western Union

“You will no longer be able to select Western Union as a new form of payment from Jan 2021. We recommend that publishers currently using Western Union switch to another available payment method before payments through this way stop in early 2021. We will inform current users in advance as to when Western Union can no longer be used to receive payments in their country. Learn more about the other available forms of payment and how to set up your form of payment”, Google announced. Those who were dependent on the old method should switch to another kind of payment mode. Those who had selected the western union before August 10th will be given about six to eight months to select a new option. So to continue to receive payments from Google, you should sign in to your Google account and select a different method for receiving payments. It seems that Google is trying to roll out its own payment systems or maybe it does not want to rely on third parties to disburse payments to people who are earning via Adsense. Well, there is another major reason that could compel Google to take this step and that is the growing restrictions on tech giants from governments across the globe.  Most of Tax collection authorities want all financial transactions to go via proper banking channels so that they could track without any hurdle and impose their local tax laws swiftly. Recommended Reading: Now Add Captions to Google Duo Video Calls