It’s a significant advantage for some companies who are already making their foldable smartphones. These companies are giving big competition to those who are not ready to come out with such luxurious products. According to the latest details, many companies are already in making and supplying foldable phones in the market. But still, it will take so many years for telecom companies and need to get mature.

HTC foldable phone is luxurious, but its structure still needs to be streamlined

Now a day’s HTC is working on its foldable phone. After more prominent companies Samsung, Motorola, and Huawei, HTC has presented its initial foldable design to a Taiwanese company. They seem pretty much interested in the product. According to the news officials, the technology behind the foldable phone needs to modernize However last year; HTC filed a copyright for a new foldable smartphone.  But the biggest awkward thing with the HTC phone is that the device folds outwards. It appears to be the bizarre thing in the pictures. Just because of this all the displays will be on the outside. It seems very difficult for HTC to hit the market with this foldable phone. At least it should allow users to operate the phone without having to open it. If HTC is still determined to launch its phone, it should have come up with a better design and concept. Back in August, the exclusive rights by LetsGoDigital were available by the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Office). After judging the foldable phone rough copy, HTC’s device doesn’t look too good to launch. Also Read: Samsung is Working on Budget Foldable Phone