Huawei 5G base stations with US Help is Great News

If we say that Huawei was not affected at all, it will be true. Now the company has announced that it has started making 5G base stations without US components. It also revealed that the total production of 5G base stations would be double next year as more countries introduce this technology. Huawei will start mass production of its components 5G base stations next month. While telling about this, CEO Ren Zhengfei said: “We carried out the testing in August and September, and from October on we will start scale production,” Ren said, adding that initially, it would begin making 5,000 US component-free 5G base stations a month. Next year, the annual production will hit 1.5 million units as compared to 600,000 estimated for this year without using US components. Well, a spokesperson has also revealed that Huawei is willing to license its 5G mobile technology to its US companies and it is not afraid of creating a rival for making Huawei technology available for everyone. Also Read: Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 – Special Edition Rakes in 500% More Sales