Instagram Bans Influencers Who Promote Vaping Products

It is for the very first time that any social media platform has taken this step as it will also discourage all those companies who are making these products and use the influencers for the promotion of their products. Because these companies are aware of the fact that these influencers have so many followers, especially the young the generation who admire them a lot. Instagram said in a post: “Branded content that promotes goods such as vaping, tobacco products and weapons will not be allowed, “Our advertising policies have long prohibited the advertisement of these products, and we will begin enforcement on this in the coming weeks” No doubt, it is very impressive and appreciable that Instagram is not only swiftly implementing its polices to bring positive changes on its platform but also trying to run a campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. It is the common behavior of the tobaco companies that they target the youth and kids. From almost two decades, they are applying this strategy but social media should stop supporting this strategy. According to the report that the branded content which features alcohol and diet supplements will also be banned from next year. Recommended Reading: Apple Vaping Apps Ban: Will it Really Bring Any Positive Change?