The above tweet shows how the interface will look like. Just above the inbox, one would be able to see such kind of boxes with notes that can be 60 characters long. While many people would not like it like I feel it makes everything cluttered, there would be some who will see positivity in it. In any case, its just that Instagram wants to make its app more engaging and it believes that these little fun notes are hand way to tell what people are actually thinking and make interaction more easier. However I don’t like it so I pray this test will not make to reality but let’s see. Other than this, Instagram is working on another feature revealed by Alessandro Paluzzi, that enables people to show ads on their profile. While many people on social media are speaking against this feature but I feel its quite useful. With this feature if we don’t enable ads on our profile we will be able to save ourselves from so many ads on our statuses and feeds. While this my personal choice, let’s see whether these features which are in testing phase will make to reality or not. Also Read: Following Instagram, Twitter Tests Curated Customized Timelines