The Japanese city of Toda Aims to Eliminate Absenteeism

Toda wants to help children who were absent for most of the school session. The city aims to create a virtual space where they could solve major issues. Reports claim that the tool was created by an organization last year, and now Japanese city Toda plans to mold the creation to suit its needs. The city is not only making plans to help the children return to school but is also arranging digital classes to help them learn better. No doubt, this move depends on the say-so of principals in schools across the Japanese city. A survey in Toda says that fifth graders find it easier to relate with other students online than in the real world. Moreover, the executive in charge of the program also mentioned that he hopes children will become canny in the real world after participating in the program. Toda is not the only city having school absenteeism as it has become a widespread issue across the country. Educational institutes have been looking for ways to merge the metaverse into education. A few months back, a Tokyo university announced that it would allow students to offer courses in the metaverse. Furthermore, China is also looking to create an avenue in order to help some of its population learn about the metaverse. No doubt, this initiative can help in providing more job opportunities in the nearest future across the country. Also Read: ChromeOS 107 Update Is Rolling Out With Save Desk for Later, Easy Accents & Much More (