LG Wing: The Next Big Addition in Foldable Family

The LG rolling device will have two screens, one will be 6.8” that can be rotated to form a T form factor. There is a second and much smaller 4-inch display that sits underneath the main screen. When the device is opened in a ‘T’, you can see a wing-like mechanism. As shown in the leaked video below, the device is sitting sideways in-car holder, when opened the screen will be displayed landscape.

Though we have not seen this type of real-life use cases, it’s an intriguing concept. But if this concept turns into reality, it would be great to see a device that will have a separate screen for media controls. Whether it gets launched or not, but we should praise the company for thinking out of the box. The device will be powered by Snapdragon 765 or 765G. Well, we have good details regarding the device, However,r whether it will turn in to reality or not still remains a mystery. Also Read: Samsung and LG Confirms not Slowing Down Old Phones