Local AI Software can detect Covid-19 Within a Minute

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) has granted approval to the Cov-raid. Moreover, the software requires a chest X-Ray image as an input for the detection of Covid-19. DRAP CEO Dr Asim Rauf said According to the official, this technology is only available in a few countries in the world. Pakistan will supply the Cov-raid to other countries too. Moreover, it will soon be available in the entire country to make the detection much easier. The Cov-Raid has been registered under the DRAP Act 2012. It will “employ Convolutional Neural Networks” to diagnose Covid-19 in suspected individuals by using X-rays and it has been approved for “secondary detection” of the virus. According to the Cov-Raid website, artificial intelligence software has been developed by creating a data repository of chest X-rays for Covid-19 detection. Source: Tribune