MoITT & PTA Draft New Rules for the Regulation of Social Media

Previously, the social media rules drafted by the authorities were challenged by social media companies. However, now the Section 37 and Section 51 of the PICA Act 2016 have been included in the new social media rules. These new rules define the issuance of notices, cases, and other proceedings. In addition to that, once these rules are executed, all social media companies will be required to register with the PTA within three months period and these companies will establish their permanent offices within six months. According to these new social media rules, all social media companies in Pakistan will appoint a compliance officer along with a Chief green officer. The companies will have to appoint these officers within 3 months. The Green officer will be bound to solve the issue within 7 days. Social media companies will issue online complaint mechanisms and community guidelines. Furthermore, it has been decided to impose heavy fines on social media companies for violating the rules. Violation of the rules will result in a fine of up to Rs 50 crore for social media companies. Social media companies will also be required to comply with local laws.  Check out? Is banning Punjab College teachers from Social media talks another set Back to Freedom of Speech in Pakistan?