The National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) authorized the issuance of certificates to ‘partly immunized/vaccinated’ citizens who want to travel overseas on June 3. Only individuals who wish to go overseas and have taken the first dose of Covid-19 vaccination will be granted such credentials, according to sources.

You can now receive ‘Partially Vaccinated Certificate’ (1st Dose Certificate) from any NADRA Registration Centre (NRC) OR by applying online — NADRA (@NadraMedia) June 16, 2021 According to reports, the system utilized to issue the certificates has a flaw: it used to accept double-dose vaccines and does not allow for the issuance of certificates for individuals who had a single-dose vaccination. Lately, people who were vaccinated with single-dose vaccinations have been unable to obtain their vaccination certificates from the authorities. In the previous 24 hours, Pakistan has reported a total of 1,038 new coronavirus infections. According to the most recent data released by NCOC, the total number of active cases in the country has reached 39,905. The positive rate was 2.46 percent, and there were 2,490 serious cases in the country. In the previous 24 hours, 42,113 tests were performed around the country. The overall number of cases has risen to 944,065, according to the latest figures. Citizens who have completed their vaccination procedure (both doses) may now obtain their Certificate via or have it printed at one of the National Database & Registration Authority Mega Centers.