Jazz cricket App has a user-friendly interface and is specially designed for easy understanding and quick access. It is a one-stop solution for cricketing news, videos & fixtures.

Pak VS Siri Lanka: Now Watch online Match on Jazz TV App

The tradition of TV is getting old. No one has much time to sit in Lounges and watch TV. However, we also want to keep ourselves refreshed with the latest news and entertained with humorous TV programs. To cater to this, Jazz introduced an amazing TV app. One can use the Jazz TV app where ever they move. It can even be played in our cars as it is a mobile app and has a friendly interface. Recommended Read: Jazz TV App: Kicking Out the Traditional TV Boxes In order to watch live match Pakistan VS Srilanka, on 2nd, October, 2019, click here.

Features of Jazz MobileTV app:

Intuitive and Friendly UI  Quick channel preview  Fast launching and switching of channels  Picture in Picture mode  Onscreen controls  Adaptive network bandwidth support High-quality streams Search  Screen lock in watching mode  Sleep timer

So don’t wait and download your Jazz TV app from play store and enjoy it for ZERO charges. Source: Jazz