According to StartupBlink’s “International Startup Ecosystem Index 2021,” the Pakistani startup ecosystem has had a positive year, rising seven positions to 75th globally and second in South Asia. Islamabad has risen 122 places to 437th position globally, while the city is rated 15th in South Asia in terms of startup activity. Karachi, on the other hand, has dropped seven places to number 268 globally, and is now rated eighth in South Asia. Despite the obstacles connected with the COVID-19 criteria, the rating has risen, indicating a vibrant history of entrepreneurs creating businesses on a startup model. The fact that most Pakistani cities improved their rankings this year, and two new cities joined the competition, is perhaps the most telling sign of the country’s entrepreneurial development. Pakistan has a total of eight cities with worldwide rankings. Jhelum, which is rated 6th nationally and 988th internationally, and Multan, which is ranked 7th nationally and 990th globally, are two new additions to the ranking table. Pakistan now has 41 startups, up from 32, with a total investment value of $65.7 million, up from $47.5 million.