Pakistani Youngster Develops 2 Important Apps For Business Community

One of them is econoxe which helps stock market investors to make informed decisions while the other is the web-based application which can be used at a cost of Rs. 150. Through this app, the possibility of coronavirus can be estimated. Hamad Nadeem says that financial literacy in Pakistan is very limited, especially in the stock market, thus small investors traditionally invest based on rumors or unverified information. Hamad and his friends pledged to share the impact of the economic situation on the stock market. In addition to that, through these apps, they will provide news, and analysis free of charge to the general public and small investors. He started to develop the application with the initial cost of Rs. 20,000. In this mission of Hamad, 100 other youngsters joined him to complete the application. Assisting Hammad in collecting information, analyzing, graphics, and, above all, reaching the general investor, these 100 young people are the founding team of this application that has taken the form of a financial literacy community. Check out? The Policy Committee Approves 30 Projects For IT & Telecom Sector