PTA collaborates with EoceaEm Over COVID-19 Messages

Instead of ringtone, this message will be heard when a user makes call. This initiative was announced by Tania Aidrus, Head of digital Pakistan:

— Tania Aidrus (@taidrus) March 22, 2020 This is a very good initiative on government’s part and it is aiming at raising awareness among people regarding the spread of coronavirus and the damage it has done to the world. Furthermore, the government has also launched chatbots to solve the concerns of people regarding the COVID-19. These chatbots will effectively address the queries from the people regarding this pandemic and will stop the spread of misinformation on social media. No doubt, Government has taken all the precautionary measures to stop the spread of this disease however now its our social responsibility to stay at home and keep our self isolated from the world. Furthermore all the large giants have also incorporated work from home policy for the people which is also appreciated. Also Read: Coronavirus Lockdown: Thanks to Apps Helping Us to Stay Connected