PITB Visits Islamabad Police to Demonstrate its New Smart Policing Software

The Federal Government has been tentatively working on the PM’s Digital Pakistan initiative ever since the PTI came into power.  The authorities have been taking smart steps of their own and have been busy in transforming their policing and other strategies in a number of ways. A City Islamabad app was recently developed to assist the citizens of the capital. This app provides, “regulatory, consumer utilities and statutory services.” The Federal Government also intends on moving towards e-Governance. It is one of another initiative taken under the Prime Minister’s Digital Pakistan program. From time to time. the Islamabad Capital Territory Police has also been taking smart initiatives and is operating on developing a smart traffic management system for the capital city in order to improve the traffic situation of the city. All these initiatives, when coupled, can possibly push Islamabad, along with the whole country into the digital era;. Ultimately. these initiatives can improve our nation’s economy, contribute to our GDP, and help our country to become a more efficient and technologically-sound country in the modern digital world. Check out? Islamabad Excise Starts Collecting Token of Islamabad’s Vehicle No. Online