A chief guest of the ceremony, Federal Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan, said that the Met Office is now well equipped with state-of – the-art technology which will help the masses regarding weather update throughout the country. The minister, commenting on the occasion, said that the more people will be able to obtain real-time weather forecasts in both video and audio formats with the assistance of this app and YouTube channel. The minister said, with the assistance of today’s cutting edge technology, arrangements have been made to facilitate a common man and the farmers about the latest weather conditions. He further added, “Weather forecasts and news in video and audio formats will be made available to the masses on a daily basis,” the minister added, “starting today, these updates will also be made available on different social media mediums.” Pakistan Meteorological department is both a scientific and service dept and functions under the Cabinet Secretariat (Aviation Division). The main responsibilities and objectives of this department is to provide the information about the current weather forecasts, climate and geophysical conditions with the aim of traffic safety on land, air and sea.