This is a recent idea. Many individuals believe that AI Chatbots will replace search engines as a result of the emergence of ChatGPT. These chatbots are far too resource-intensive to replace Google Search, but they may be a convenient alternative to Quora for the time being. Poe, after all, will respond to your inquiries more quicker than Quora’s contributors.

— Adam D’Angelo (@adamdangelo) December 20, 2022 “We have learnt a lot about developing consumer internet products during the previous 12 years constructing and maintaining Quora. “And we have a lot of experience helping people who are seeking for information,” a Quora spokeswoman said. Of course, the issue is that artificial intelligence is not intelligent. Platforms such as ChatGPT frequently provide false responses, therefore any information supplied by Poe should be regarded with a grain of salt. (To be fair, the same could be said for Quora.) To be clear, Quora does not see Poe as a “Quora alternative.” The only purpose of this app is to allow you to communicate with a variety of chatbots. A basic pitch that may vary as Quora plays with this technology. Poe also appears to be a “safe” effort at a generative AI product. We’re looking forward to seeing where Poe goes. We are still concerned that this technology may contribute to disinformation. Poe is presently in beta as an invite-only service for iOS devices. On the Poe website, you may sign up for a waitlist.