On March 14th 2020 Government of Pakistan & Punjab Primary Health organization issue a letter for the suspension of biometric attendance in its offices via a letter written to all government offices, district offices, hospitals and other private sectors for suspension of biometric attendance.

Retailigence- Covid19 Friendly Attendance App to Use in Place of BAS

The Post Covid-19 office will say goodbye to biometric attendance systems. Thus Contactless attendance systems will rise by 20% in the year 2020 as per industry experts. However, Facial biometric attendance systems could be potentially alternative but as per Health & Safety sop, everyone has to wear face masks, where facial recognition system wouldn’t be able to identify the identity of the person and facial recognition solutions also easily hackable using an employee’s photograph. Therefore, government departments, private offices, hospitals and universities require a reliable, secure and covid19 friendly solution for employee’s attendance system. One of such contactless attendance system is Retailigence. It is an attendance solution which is Covid19 friendly where no human surface touch involves and no hardware installation required. The employee can mark their attendance by scanning dedicated QRCode with Retailigence APP at their respective office premises along using mobile phone fingerprint scanning (Dual-process QRCode scanning along using thumb impression). Key features of the app are:

No Hardware requirement Multiple QRCode stickers can be placed for queue free attendance marking Live reporting dashboard with easy integration

Malik Shoaib CEO- Retailigence Says If you are interested to use this app, here is how it works