Samsung released a report on Sunday. It revealed that bad battery design and hustle to launch an updated version of Galaxy Note 7 caused some devices to overheat and explode.

Samsung Note 7 Report Discloses Reason Behind Battery Explosion

Samsung told in report that there were two basic problems causing note seven to overheat and catching fire in some cases. First problem hit the first batch of Note 7 phones. In these phones battery was very large for the casing of phone. It caused it to over heat. After this they discontinued initial batch of Note 7 and manufactured the phone with some other supplier. New battery produced by supplier had the same issue of over heating. After all this , Korean company canceled the products all together. In the end, Samsung ended up recalling all Note 7 phones and canceled the product altogether. The company also formed a new group of third-party battery advisers that includes professors from the University of Cambridge, UC Berkeley, and Stanford University.

Infographics by Samsung Released in Report:

The company told it’s clients that they have now incorporates some processes in place to ensure that it phones don’t overheat and catch fire. The company is expected to release its next flagship phone ,Galaxy S8 soon. People are waiting to see if Samsung has followed through and improved. Here’s an info-graphic Samsung made that helps explain what went wrong with the Note 7: Positive and negative electrodes are usually separated by a protective layer. If protective layer is damaged, the electrodes can meet and cause a short circuit. Which seems to be one of the issues with the second batch. Replacement batteries were affected by abnormally high welding bars that formed during the ultra-sonic welding process to attach the positive tab. Due to the high-welding bars, penetration of the insulation tape and the separator resulted in direct contact with the negative electrode. They told that number of batteries that were missing the insulation tape. This is the second problem. Now as they have admitted their shortcoming and released a report, we can goodbye Note 7. We expect Samsung to have learnt from these problems. Also Read: Samsung Finally Reveals the Reason Behind its Note 7 Failure