Samsung is not just the smartphone producing company. The Korean company has diversified and has entered many other industries that it is very rare that a device of ours does not contain any component made by Samsung. The 200 MP Camera Sensor component by Samsung is one of its kind. They are the pioneers in it. The team working on the 200MP component have set a test board to use it. The set up has tried to capture the cat. The output was very impressive irrespective that the cats rarely ever stay at one spot for a snap. The snaps were so sharp that Samsung printed them out on a 28 x 22- meter canvas made of made of twelve stitched-together 2.3-meter-long pieces. The canvas was later hung on the side of the building. By doing so the company proved the sensor’s ability to capture super detailed shots. Last year in September, Samsung unveiled ISOCELL HP1 camera sensor with its 200 MP resolution. At present in the smartphone market no device has it though we expect to see it in a few devices in the near future. Motorola Frontier and Samsung Galaxy flagship devices are expected to have it .The sensor will be using the Samsung’s updated pixel-binning technology which will optimize it light sensitivity with the change in the shooting environment. Till now what we know about this new high tech Pixel is all theoretical. No real life physical outputs in the normal environment are present. Still from what we heard and read it is very interesting, but we can give our honest verdict about once we get our hands on it. Also Read: Motorola Frontier to be Launched with a 200 MP Camera Sensor