The government data requests have to pass a high collection before they comply acceded. So things get difficult and complicated to keep their data hidden from government institutes. Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office is one of the government organization which asks Telegram for the user data who have criminal background. The company has satisfied this organization by accomplishing a number of data requests for other criminal cases which were ignored in the past. German government is also pressing the messaging company to cooperate with them to reach the extremist groups who use Telegram for communication of their lethal plans and coordination actions. In 2018, Russia under federal anti-terrorism laws, expelled Telegram for not giving the data and had refused to surrender its encryption keys. Later in 2020, the company finally reached an agreement with Kremlin which helped in app’s return in Russia with great enforcement within the social media platform. The company also provided Russian users with an uncensored window into military invasion. It is still unknown that how much data the company has disclosed with the Russian government. Also Read: TikTok Denies Sharing User Data of Indian Public to Chinese Government