Because IT experts are continually learning more about the iPhone, “rules” about the settings and applications that they advocate altering, removing, and uninstalling tend to vary. “Your iPhone includes numerous settings that make life simpler, while others govern apps or functions you never use, and others aren’t worth the battery drain,” says Apple. System Services “Many services or applications use your location when they don’t have to,” explains iphone experts. “While some require this data to work properly, others may be turned off without severely affecting your experience.”

Scroll down to System Services in Settings -> Privacy -> Locations Services. Cell network search, networking, wifi, and time zone settings do not need to be enabled unless you travel to another country. Turn off HomeKit if you are not using it.

Analytics for iPhone Turning off iPhone Analytics improves your iPhone’s battery life and gives you more privacy; nevertheless,  experts warned that iPhone Analytics sends data from your iPhone to Apple, which drains your battery and potentially pose a privacy concern regarding how you use your phone. Background App Fresh  According to tech experts, turning off Background App Refresh for some apps might prevent them from running in the background of your iPhone and draining battery life. “Background App Refresh” enables some applications to download data in the background even when you aren’t using them, according to Mahmood. “So, go through this list and disable background app refresh for applications that don’t need to download data while you’re not using them.” Location-based services Apps can benefit from location services, especially when marking your location on social networking (usually not a good idea). “You might want to keep it on for your navigation and ride-sharing applications, but turn it off for other apps and games that don’t need to know where you are, such as Facebook.” Keeping up to date on the latest protocols for your iPhone’s default tech settings will help keep your data secure and private while providing you with the greatest iPhone user experience possible.