To assess if workers were routinely washing their hands, sensors or RFID tags were used. Computer vision was assessed when workers agreed with the mask protocol and speakers were used to alert persons of violations of the protocol. What’s more, the companies gathered and evaluated this behavioural data to impact

Wearable Technology

For the last five years or so, wearables have been one of the top trends. But in March, the entire storey shifted because, unexpectedly, people did not go to the gym anymore. Companies like Peloton described our “new normal,” and with everyone tuning in from their living rooms, at-home fitness became correlated with mobile exercise systems, wearables, and remote tournaments and leaderboards.


In 2023, all of the talk and excitement about 5G will become real. Just a few months ago, the need for a secure and fast link became urgent. We had to find ways to improve pace as interactive collaboration, remote jobs, and video conferencing were a part of our lives. For telecommunication providers, it was already obvious enough that 5G was the way to go. For various instruments such as the IoT, the implementation of this technology would be critical.

Artificial Intelligence For Creativity

The discourse around the future of artificial intelligence has extended in only the last few years beyond the domain of computers that can interpret knowledge and algorithms to incorporate the prospect of imaginative products as well. The efficiency, scalability, interpretability and reliability of AI models will be enabled by a rigorous AI engineering strategy while providing the full benefit of AI investments.

Privacy-enhancing computation

Three systems that secure data when it is being used feature privacy-enhancing computation. The first one offers a trusted environment in which it is possible to process or evaluate confidential data. In a decentralised way, the second conducts processing and analytics. Prior to retrieval or analytics, the third encrypts data and algorithms.

Hybrid Cloud

Many companies are moving into the hybrid cloud paradigm and Hybrid cloud is a vital technology shift. The reason is easy: the use of the hybrid cloud is more versatile. This allows companies to strike a balance with their particular demands for cloud computing.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is said to be a branch of artificial intelligence. We claim that Machine Learning is an AI sub-set. This is because AI creates the foundations for the self-learning of data from computers. This is how in the absence of human intervention, ML executes the learning. ML makes programming programmes that include weather forecasts, which are useful in predicting the future.