It means business users’ phone numbers and emails are visible to others as all their private information was stored in browse’s cache. With this bad news, Twitter also gave a wave of relief by telling these users that there is no evidence whether their data is being compromised or not as this issue was quickly fixed once discovered on May 20th. Nonbusiness users on Twitter remained safe during this storm of a data leak. While celebrating more, social media giant, said: “We’re very sorry this happened. We recognize and appreciate the trust you place in us, and are committed to earning that trust every day.”  This is not the first time Twitter has come across such security lapse; in fact, in 2014, both business and nonbusiness Twitter users on Android were affected by data privacy issues. Though the social media platform is getting better by launching more informed conversations and its efforts to ban fake news on its platform, however, such biggest security lapse from such a big company was not expected. Also Read: Twitter Now Allows You to Discover New Lists