Wave Good-Bye to Facebook Group Stories

Now the tech giant has revealed that it will not be allowing people to post any group story and the previous ones will be deleted by Facebook as well. While telling about this feature, Facebook said that: We’re sunsetting group stories because we want to make sure that features in groups enable people to connect in fun and useful ways, and we’re always looking at ways to improve the overall experience for communities on Facebook. A similar feature, named Facebook stories are available to all the users and it will not be discontinued as people love to use it on a daily basis. Facebook reveals that 1.4 billion people use group every month however Facebook has not revealed the no of people that were using stories which shows they were not good in a number. Facebook is also working on a new project that had remained a secret for some time. Soon the platform will be able to replace smartphones with smartglasses. Recommended Read: Facebook to Replace Smartphones with Smart Glasses