Will drone technology take us to a better lifestyle?

The advent of 21st century brought a drastic change in the conception about the use of drone technology. The research on applications of drone technology is being held extensively and it can be observed that apart from its military use, the former can take us to a better lifestyle. As we are living in the age of robotics and UAV is one of the most prominent examples. The drone technology can be beneficial for us in several ways. We can start with the aerial surveillance. The advancement of technology has modernized ways of stealing opted by thieves. So, a better surveillance system is required to tackle that which can certainly be provided with the help of drone technology. For instance, farmers can use drone technology to monitor their livestock and crops. Fire departments can use drones to track the wildfire. The 360-degree camera angle provided by a drone is being used substantially by the media and broadcasting industries for providing a best possible picture to its viewers. Another important benefit which drone technology offers is the disaster management and relief provision. When a certain region is hit by a calamity and supply of basic sustenance’s is cut due to damage roads and deterioration of other transportation networks. Under such circumstances the drone technology is fruitful because drones can lift payloads carrying food, medicines etc. and drop them to the particular area in a very short period of time. The drone technology can also be used for conducting various types of surveys briskly. Like many infrastructural projects get delayed due to the prolonged time consumed in conducting surveys by different officials with ordinary techniques. For example, the inspection of bridges every year require sending men into risky environments and which also takes a lot of time. Instead, drones can do the same job comparatively swift and without any risk. The technological advancements in drones have touched new heights through the invention of new sensors. These can assist many industries. In agriculture, the new sensors can measure the height of crops, detects the presence of water and can calculate crop density. For geologists, the invention of new electromagnetic sensors can help in identifying the location of minerals, oil and natural gas. Did you know? Farmers to use Drone Technology in Pakistan for Good Yield From the above listed pros, it is evident that the applications derived from drone technology can make our lifestyle better. But the question still arises that, whether it would be only used for these peaceful purposes in the future? That can be made possible if international legislative bodies make such laws which will halt drone technology for being used for military purposes. And if these laws get implemented then surely drone technology would lead us to a better lifestyle.